Your trusted partner to propel you as a Positive Leader
We Prepare, Plan, Power and Propel your Leadership success

Join & Accelerate Your Success

Open to all, عضوية تابعةis a non-professional level of membership. It's ideal if you need immediate access to IOWL resources to help you in your role, and can support your personal and professional development.

عضوية تابعةis a great choice if you are:

  • Not yet in a leadership role, but apsiring towards one, or intending to apply for one.
  • Seeking the latest Leadership resources to ensure you stay up to date with the fast-changing world of Leadership.
  • Wanting to socialise, discuss and learn from an interested and supportive community of professionals.

نضم الان  الأسئلة المتكررة

Gain your Leadership Advantage

Keeping you up to date in the fast changing world of Leadership:

  • Research, surveys and leading edge reports
  • Access to My World magazine, app and website
  • Access to partner online business, management and leadership journals
  • Time-saving email updates
  • Practical podcasts, topic summaries, factsheets and guides, and more.

Career support

  • IOWL Positive Value Leadership Map - assess your capability and access recommendations on what you need to know and do at every stage of your career.
  • My World Journey Map - an online assessment tool to identify your Leadership Value strengths and areas for development
  • IOWL Leadership hub - an online gateway to information, tools and advice to help build key Leadership skills and enable you to make the most of career opportunities Plus, enhanced career services including mentoring and workshops.

Connect, learn and be inspired

  • Online Community forum - Socialise, discuss and learn from an interested and supportive community of professionals.
  • Take part in local IOWL branch activities.
  • Find inspiration at IOWL conferences and events.

Save money

  • Save 20% on IOWL textbooks in our online store
  • Receive preferential rates on IOWL products and services, conferences, training and events
  • Save money on leisure activities: gym membership, restaurants (up to 50% off meals), cinema tickets, holidays, travel and much more.

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Fees for up to 17 months عضوية

If you choose 5 months membership, your membership fee is renewable on 1 June 2025 and then annually on 1 June. If you choose 17 months membership, your membership fee is renewable on 1 June 2026 and then annually on 1 June. Don't worry, we'll send you renewal information well before the due date to remind you how much is due. Annual payment will be collected until you advise us otherwise.

عضوية تابعة - USD

Length of عضوية Joining fee Membership fee Total Renewal date
5 months 55.18 64 119.18 1 June 2025
17 months 55.18 215.74 270.92 1 June 2026

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Am I eligible to join the OWL

عضوية تابعةis available to you if you are not yet in a leadership position, but you are aspiring to attain a position of power*, authority or responsibility. The position could be one in a work environment, private or public sector; in social, voluntary or community circles; political or governmental spheres.

Alternatively, عضوية تابعةis available if you are already in a leadership position but have not yet successfully completed the IOWL Positive Value Leadership assessment.

Affiliate members are expected within 3 years of joining, to undertake a successful assessment against the Positive Value Leadership map, which will indicate how effective you are as an exemplar to society and a catalyst for the adoption of positive change (commercial, economic, social or political) for the benefit of all humanity.

Successful completion will enable your attainment of membership as a Professional Associate, Professional Member, or Professional Fellow.

As an affiliate member you are required to subscribe to, abide by and adhere to, the aims of One World Leadership. You will also be expected to pursue a development path that will enable your proficiency to achieve a future assessment.

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Am I eligible to join the OWL

If you are responsible for strategic leadership in your organisation, you will be eligible to become a member. If you don't quite fit the standard membership criteria you can still join as an Associate member.

What's the difference between an associate and full member?

The different grades of membership are based on your individual experience. If your company turnover, budget or length of time in business doesn't meet the full member criteria you can still join as an associate.

You'll still receive all of the same benefits and when you're ready you can upgrade to full membership status.

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