Fees for up to 23 months membership

If you choose 11 months membership, your membership fee is renewable on 1 June 2025 and then annually on 1 June. If you choose 23 months membership, your membership fee is renewable on 1 June 2026 and then annually on 1 June. Don't worry, we'll send you renewal information well before the due date to remind you how much is due. Annual payment will be collected until you advise us otherwise.

Student membership - USD

Length of membership Joining fee Membership fee Total Renewal date
11 months 55.18 126 181.18 1 June 2025
23 months 55.18 262.57 317.75 1 June 2026

Membresía Afiliada - USD

Length of membership Joining fee Membership fee Total Renewal date
11 months 55.18 140 195.18 1 June 2025
23 months 55.18 291.74 346.92 1 June 2026

Professional Associate membership - USD

Length of membership Assessment fee Membership fee Total Renewal date
11 months 68.97 194 262.97 1 June 2025
23 months 68.97 405.06 474.03 1 June 2026

Membresia Profesional - USD

Length of membership Assessment fee Membership fee Total Renewal date
11 months 96.56 228 324.56 1 June 2025
23 months 96.56 476.31 572.87 1 June 2026

Professional Fellowship - USD

Length of membership Assessment fee Membership fee Total Renewal date
11 months 136.57 262 398.57 1 June 2025
23 months 136.57 547.56 684.13 1 June 2026

Membresía Académicas - for 23 Months - USD

Academic Grade Assessment fee Joining fee Membership fee Total Renewal date
Academic Associate 620.77 55.18 405.06 1 June 2026
Academic Member 758.72 55.18 476.31 1 June 2026
Academic Fellow 896.67 55.18 547.56 1 June 2026

Gain Academic membership without paying the assessment fee

We offer personal discounted academic membership if your Institution or University applies to become one of our Academic Institutional Partners (AIP).

Institutions which include the OWLs Positive Value Leadership model in its syllabus or course content, or makes OWLs membership available to its students, are given 100% discount on the personal academic assessment fee, meaning only the joining fee and membership fees are required. Contact us for more details prior to applying for your personal academic membership.

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