Socios Positivoships with Positive Benefits

It takes a special kind of organisation to Asóciate con nosotros. Your organisation must have a focus on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the actions of the organisation must be congruous with the aims, objectives and values of the Instituto de Uno Mundo Liderazgo . We partner with a range of the following:

Corporate Partners

Corporate Partnership is open to businesses and organisations of all sizes. This can involve supporting and promoting your business to our members, and IOWLs to your existing employees and customers.

Academic Partners

We partner with Academic institutions to develop and offer courses and curriculum which our members can access, to develop their Leadership Competences, in parallel with their Leadership Value Growth.

We also partner to offer access and membership of OWLs to your Students, Undergraduates and Alumni, shaping the development of positive collaborative leaders.

If you are interested in partnering with us please email

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